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Full Arch Replacement Procedure in Aurora, CO

At Associates In Family Dentistry, we believe that everyone deserves to experience exceptional oral health and a beautiful, radiant smile. That’s why we extend our prosthodontic expertise towards full-mouth reconstruction procedures. Discover how you can restore your best smile with our full arch replacement services in Aurora, CO.

Full Arch Replacement Treatment in Aurora, CO

What Is Full Arch Replacement?

Full arch replacement, also known as full-mouth reconstruction, involves replacing a full arch of upper or lower teeth. These procedures are suitable for individuals with extensive or full tooth loss and those requiring multiple extractions. This restorative technique may include an arch of removable dentures or permanent restorations supported by dental implants.

Full Arch Replacement Candidates

Full arch teeth replacement is highly versatile, accommodating a diverse range of oral health requirements and patient objectives. Suitable candidates for these procedures may include:

  • Full arch tooth loss as a result of trauma or decay
  • Severely fractured or damaged teeth
  • Tooth loss or projected tooth loss due to periodontal disease

Types of Full Arch Dental Replacement Procedures

Associates In Family Dentistry offers several full arch dental replacement options to accommodate diverse oral health requirements and patient preferences. Our full arch replacement procedures include:

Benefits of Full Arch Teeth Replacement

Associates In Family Dentistry is proud to offer a transformative experience for patients navigating full or partial tooth loss. The benefits of our full arch dental implant procedures include:

  • Natural-looking, seamless results
  • Restored oral function
  • No dietary restrictions or limitations
  • Preserved facial structure
  • Mitigate loss of jawbone density
  • Permanent comfort and stability
  • Maximized confidence

What to Expect From Full Arch Dental Treatment

To alleviate dental anxiety, we strive to empower patients with expert guidance. Associates In Family Dentistry wants to ensure you feel informed and confident about what to expect from full arch dental replacement procedures. To foster positive patient experiences and outstanding treatment results, our full arch replacement involves a meticulous, multi-step process.

Full Arch Replacement Consultation

Full arch replacement begins with a consultation. The initial consultation is used to discuss your treatment objectives, review your medical history, and conduct an oral health evaluation to assess the condition of your teeth and gums. This enables us to develop personalized full arch replacement recommendations that align with your requirements and smile aspirations.

Diagnostic Imaging & Treatment Planning

The full arch dental replacement process varies depending on the type of restoration you have selected. However, all forms of full arch replacement call for diagnostic imaging to assess the integrity of the jawbone. For patients with inadequate bone density, bone grafting may be required prior to continuing the full arch dental replacement process.

Implant & Restoration Placement

Implant-supported dentures and fixed bridge restorations involve multiple appointments. The first visit is used to surgically place the dental implants. A recovery period of several weeks is then required to allow the implants to fuse with the jawbone. Once healed, you will return to have your permanent, full arch dental replacement connected to the implant posts.

Choose Associates In Family Dentistry

Associates In Family Dentistry is Aurora, CO’s premier source for prosthodontic dentistry. Our state-of-the-art technology and advanced training enable us to provide seamless restorative dental procedures. Combining compassionate care with personalized recommendations and custom-tailored treatment plans, trust in our dental implant experts to reveal your healthiest, most confident smile.

Schedule Your Full Arch Replacement Consultation

If you’re ready to redefine your smile and optimize your oral health, Associates In Family Dentistry welcomes you. Look to our dental implant specialists for comprehensive full arch replacement procedures in Aurora, CO. To get started with a consultation, contact our friendly team today.

Invest In Your Smile With Fluoride Treatments in Aurora, CO

It’s never too early or too late to invest in your smile. Get proactive with preventative dental care to maximize your oral health. For comprehensive fluoride treatment for adults, children, and adolescents, contact Associates In Family Dentistry to schedule your appointment today.

Schedule an Appointment Today